Hedgehog Citizen Science
The Irish Hedgehog Survey is a citizen science project led by researchers in University of Galway. The aim of the survey is to learn more about where hedgehogs live in Ireland and how they use our urban and rural habitats.
The public can take part in in the project by recording hedgehogs wherever you see them. You might also like to survey your garden for hedgehogs this summer. No special skills or knowledge are required to take part. The information provided will help enormously in monitoring hedgehog abundance and distribution in Ireland.
Please click on the links below to learn more about the ways you can help us survey hedgehogs.
Have you seen a hedgehog? Please submit your records to our hedgehog recording scheme. You can record sightings of live or dead hedgehogs from anywhere in Ireland. This will provide valuable information on where hedgehogs are living in Ireland
We would like to hear from farmers to help us learn more about hedgehogs in the countryside. Please take this short questionnaire to tell us a little bit about your farm and whether you have hedgehogs or not. This will help us identify what kind of farm habitats are important for hedgehogs.
Our Partners
We are very thankful for the support of our project partners who have facilitated this research. The following organisations have provided funding, administrative and technical support to the Irish Hedgehog Survey which is gratefully acknowledged.
